Welcome to Dyreposisjoner

33 599 963
1 000
positions today
animals with gps
24 811
number of users

About Dyreposisjoner (Animal Positions)

Dyreposisjoner is a map solution that displays positions of animals equipped with GPS transmitters in various tracking projects under the auspices of NINA, the environmental management and other collaborators. We collect data from many types of tracking equipment and manufacturers in a single solution to secure data and to pass on data to the general public, the environmental management and other clients. The solution has specialized tools available for research, management, and animal owners that will ensure the best possible use of the data and help ensure the best possible animal welfare for the tracked animals.

Rules for use of data

Positions in Dyreposisjoner are meant to be shown to the public only through the webpage at www.dyreposisjoner.no, and with associated rules for access restriction. Dyreposisjoner shows position data from different data owners. Only map images of positions that are available to everyone and produced through the interface can be passed on. Datasource must be disclosed and the data owner must be informed about the use before publishing.

In addition to the aforementioned use, the data is protected according to §24 of the Copyright Act, and all use, processing or dissemination of the data requires written permission from the data owner in each individual case.